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- Short: The Ultimate GUI Enhancement System, V4.6!
- Author: Eric Sauvageau <merlin@linux.tc3net.com>, Phil Vedovatti <vedovatt@u.washington.edu>
- Uploader: vedovatt@u.washington.edu
- Type: util/wb
- Replaces: util/wb/NewIconsV41.lha
- NewIcons is a revolutionary system patch which enhances your Workbench
- and gives the user much more power and configurability over the
- appearance of the GUI (Graphical User Interface). The NewIcons
- system works transparently, and provides for a standard icon system
- that will look the same on any system, no matter what the palette is
- set to.
- DefIcons complements the Newicons system. It works by
- recognizing a file's type, and instantly displaying the appropriate
- icon image for files without icons attached to them.
- The system's features include:
- · Allows up to 256 color icons on an AGA machine. (!)
- · Icon colors are color correct on an AGA system, no matter what your
- palette is set to. They automatically appear in perfect color.
- · Default icons for dozens of file types automatically appear for
- files without icons (FAST!). Recognizes file types in a very
- efficient manner. If you click on a "fake" icon, your appropriate
- user-defined default tool will appear in the "Execute command" text
- field automatically!
- · Make a brush, convert it to an icon. It will appear on your workbench
- in the _exact_ proper colors you created it in, no matter what your
- palette is set to. Imagine making gorgeous icons from your digitized
- pics, in _more_ than 32 colors!
- · Icon images are compressed to maximize disk space. They are
- uncompressed faster than you can say "NewIcons"!
- · Also KS 2.04 compatible (16 color icon limitation).
- · Fix that ugly Cross-DOS icon to look like a standard NewIcon.
- · Unique icons for RAM-Disks and CD-ROM's that don't have icons.
- · A complete set of beautiful, standardized Workbench icons, drawn by
- Phil Vedovatti. Hundreds of icons are also available separately on
- Aminet, some with a totally different style.
- · Comprehensive set of utilities to allow you to manipulate your
- NewIcons.
- · Totaly FREE! Why would anyone want to pay cash for icons?
- · Dithering of icon images is selectable for users with fewer available
- Workbench colors. This is turned off by default.
- · Icons can be given a single tooltype, which will tell NewIcons to display
- a NewIcon image from elsewhere on the system. This feature
- has some caveats, but introduces a huge number of neat possibilities
- for configuring your Workbench, and saves on disk space and chip RAM.
- Imagine having your Workbench icons appear randomly different on EACH
- reboot!
- · The source for deficons.prefs has been included, so any enterprising
- programmer can add their own file identification types to the system!
- · User configurable, GUI enhanced Preferences program to configure all
- attributes of the NewIcons system (dither, pen precision, etc.)
- · The NewIcons patch is a commodity, which can be enabled and disabled
- on the fly, using Commodities Exchange.
- · RTG (ReTargetable Graphics) mode, which allows graphics card users
- to store icon data in fast RAM instead of chip RAM. This has the
- advantage of saving your valuable chip RAM for other uses, and speeds
- up rendering of icons on the Workbench.
- · Border removal option! Remember the Kickstart 1.3 days when there
- were no gray border boxes around the icons? This new option removes
- those silly looking boxes once again, and is user configurable.
- · The system library is available in different versions, to ensure the
- best speed possible on every system configuration.
- · NEW IN V4: Dragged icons can also be optionally made transparent.
- · NEW IN V4: The text shown under the icons can be optionally rendered
- with a 3D or an outlined look.
- · NEW IN V4: New utilities to make updating whole
- drawers or partitions with a specified drawer image, and a popup
- menu utility that displays icon images in a menu format -- could even
- be used as a program dock launcher with the appropriate scripts.
- · NEW IN V4: New 32 color icon set. NewIcons is now sufficiently faster
- to allow fast rendering of higher bitplane icons.
- Version History:
- V1.0:
- =====
- Original public release.
- V2.0:
- =====
- In the previous version of the docs I forgot to mention that the chunky to
- planar routine was based on a routine by Chris Green (who based his routine on
- one by Richard Addison).
- fixed bug in DefIcons, was causing "please insert volume dir c" after doing
- execute command - dir c:
- fixed bug in DefIcons, would hang if it couldn't find deficons.prefs
- fixed bug in DefIcons, was causing a disk icon to appear for files called
- "disk".
- fixed bug in DefIcons, would show a drawer as disk icon for disks containing a
- directory called "disk" (which is a bad idea anyway).
- The GetDiskObjectNew() patch now returns NULL if the given name doesn't exist
- (like the standard function)
- now does dithering (optional)
- some file types added to deficons.prefs.
- bug fix: createdefaulticon now preserves the tooltypes of tool icons and of
- project icons whose default icon have no default tool.
- bug fix: newicons would check the argarray after FreeArgs(). Thanks to Nicola
- Soggia for discovering it and not reporting it. Thanks to Moreno Magnani who
- did report it.
- bugfix, arj files were not recognized
- bug fix: DefIcons now uses Stricmp() to avoid problems with international
- sorting
- DEFAULTIMAGE special ToolType added
- Fixed installer: no longer copies over the original def_#? icons in
- Envarc:sys. It now just copies them to a safe place.
- Localized installer and documentation files added
- Replaced "ReplaceImage" utility with "KillOldIcon", since ReplaceImage
- required NewIcons not to be running to use.
- Changed a few of the icons from the original distribution archive
- CHANGES since last version from Nicola (Release 2, V38.3)
- =========================================================
- 3.0:
- ====
- - Development is now done by Phil Vedovatti and Eric Sauvageau.
- - A much requested feature: you can now have borderless icons on your
- Workbench, just like under Kickstart 1.x :) Note that it is really a
- hack, so it _might_ break under future versions of Workbench, and it
- has some minor drawbacks. Make sure you read the NewIconsPrefs section
- about it before enabling it.
- - New RTG Mode which uses Fast RAM instead of Chip on systems with graphics
- cards.
- - Library (V39.1) now comes in two versions:
- o 68020 and up, OS 3.x (Required for RTG Mode)
- o 68000, OS 2.x
- The library base has also changed, so application programmers
- should check the updated libraries/newicon.h include file. Note
- that things are still fully backward compatible).
- Various speed optimisations have been done, and the tooltype
- decoding routine has been rewritten by Børge Nøst. We're hoping to
- also have the C2P routine rewritten in a future version :)
- - NewIcons has been rewritten in E, and is now a commodity which can be
- enabled/disabled. The hotkey will let you see some information about
- the current settings, and allow you to directly launch the external
- preferences editor.
- - NewIcons will no longer auto-detach from the CLI so it must be
- Run <>NIL:. It also has a totaly new template:
- Hopefully NewIcons will auto-detach again in a future version.
- - The former Newicons settings have been moved to a separate prefs editor.
- Makes it easier for the user to install/configure, and gives you more
- freedom to experiment with the various settings without needing to
- reboot.
- This editor uses the ClassAct BOOPSI package for its GUI (all the
- required classes are included in this archive.)
- - Added a "kludge" so that icons used by ToolManager docks get properly
- remapped on screenmode changes.
- 3.1:
- ====
- - Fixed a bug in the PutIcon() patch that caused various problems with
- some programs such as SwazInfo or DOpus.
- - Added Autodocs for newicon.library, allowing third party developers to
- directly support NewIcons through the library.
- 4.1:
- ====
- - New official WWW support site: http://www.amiganet.org/NewIcons/
- - Improved installation procedure.
- - Extended the standard 14-colors palette to 32-colors.
- - Complete new 32-colors iconset included. People who prefer the older
- ones for speed or resources issues can still use them.
- - Library (V40.1) now comes in three flavours:
- ° Low-End, for 68000 and OS 2.04 users and up.
- ° Middle-End, for 68020 and 3.0 users and up.
- ° High-End, for 68020 and 3.0 users and up, without the dither
- option and with RTG Mode support.
- - New library call: GetDefNewDiskObject(objtype).
- - Preferences are now loaded in the library init code instead of in the
- NewIcons executable, allowing easier use of the library without the
- main executable.
- - Made Transparent and NoBorder options separate.
- - Added Transparent Dragging option.
- - Added Outlined/Shadowed icontext option.
- - Rewrote the NoBorder/Transparent patches, made them cleaner.
- - Changed the preferences file format. The new format is now documented
- in the Includes.
- - The preferences editor is now able to detect what features are
- available in the installed library, and will display the library
- version in the About requester.
- - Added ShowNI, a CLI-based NewIcons viewer/selector.
- - Added UpdateDrawers, a new tool that will allow you to recursively
- replace all drawer icons within a given path.
- - All Workbench-based tools will allow you to select the arguments
- through filerequesters if launched from Workbench without any argument.
- - CopyNewIcon will report if it can't write the destination icon.
- - Updated InjectBrush to support the new 32-colors palette.
- - Updated the DefIcons brainfile, added various new filetypes.
- - DefIcons now uses utility.library's Stricmp() instead of SAS/C's own
- routine. Should fix the problems experimented by some persons using a
- localized Workbench.
- - A lot of code optimization, resulting in general speed improvements.
- - Recompiled the libraries and the utilities with SAS/C 6.57, and
- optimized the 020+ libraries for 68060 users.
- 4.5:
- ====
- NewIcons:
- ---------
- - This version prevents crashes occuring if the user would
- change screenmode while an icon with DEFAULTIMAGE was displayed.
- Sadly I can't solve the problem itself, as it's a side-effect of the
- very idea of DEFAULTIMAGE (it's been there since Nicola's days). I did
- the best I could do, which was to at least prevent it from crasing
- (I simply no longer remap those icons).
- - Eliminated the crawling ants artifacts
- - Now requires Kickstart 3.0. 2.04 users: this is your wake-up call.
- - Various changes to the No Border and Text Outline patches, speeding
- them up a bit.
- - An Enforcer would happen if an icon was loaded while no screen was
- open (i.e. before WB and any bootpic screen would open). This one
- should be fixed now.
- NewIconsPrefs:
- --------------
- - Bumped from 40.3 to 40.5
- - Updated About to reflect V4.5
- CreateDefaultIcon:
- ------------------
- - removed a debugging KPrintf() I had forgotten.
- 4.6:
- ====
- NewIcons:
- ---------
- - eliminated Cyberguard/Enforcer hits.
- NewIconsPrefs:
- --------------
- - fixed a small recoverable alert which could occur if certain
- Class Act gadgets were missing.
- InjectBrush:
- ------------
- - The wrong version was supplied with NewIcons 4.5, which contained
- some beta code. Use the version supplied here instead.
- See the enclosed documentation for more information, and visit the
- official NewIcons Web Page at:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- http://www.amiganet.org/NewIcons/
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ============================= Archive contents =============================
- Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
- -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
- 3146 2078 33.9% 20-Jun-99 02:14:58 NewIconsV4.info
- 7450 1279 82.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 + .info
- 7686 1645 78.5% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 + .info
- 7720 1697 78.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 + .info
- 6008 3504 41.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +DefIcons
- 3460 2410 30.3% 13-Aug-97 18:04:06 +InjectBrush
- 560 428 23.5% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +IsNIRunning
- 14432 6366 55.8% 20-Jun-99 01:54:04 +NewIcons
- 572 390 31.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +PatchOpenWB
- 8672 5506 36.5% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +ShowNI
- 2176 1305 40.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +Developers.info
- 2176 1308 39.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +Autodocs.info
- 8867 2723 69.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +newicon.doc
- 2176 1301 40.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +EModules.info
- 2656 1156 56.4% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +newicon.e
- 954 490 48.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +newicon.m
- 181 105 41.9% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +newicon.m
- 2176 1304 40.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +Include.info
- 787 306 61.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +newicon_protos.h
- 387 196 49.3% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +newicon_lib.fd
- 5038 1931 61.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +newicon.h
- 473 150 68.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +newicon_pragmas.h
- 231 139 39.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +newicon.h
- 2176 1302 40.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +Source.info
- 1298 598 53.9% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +deficons.h
- 1153 581 49.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +deficons.i
- 19744 2365 88.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +deficonsprefs.a
- 148 123 16.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +SCOPTIONS
- 8785 2998 65.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +showni.c
- 2264 1227 45.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +deficons.prefs
- 1694 1248 26.3% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_8svx.info
- 1432 967 32.4% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_amigaguide.info
- 1480 991 33.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_amos.info
- 1760 1226 30.3% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_anim.info
- 1429 1025 28.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_archive.info
- 2021 1220 39.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_arj.info
- 1234 769 37.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_ascii.info
- 1542 1008 34.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_asm.info
- 1770 1223 30.9% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_avi.info
- 1549 993 35.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_basic.info
- 2207 1472 33.3% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_bmp.info
- 1743 1063 39.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_brush.info
- 1560 897 42.5% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_Busydisk.info
- 1770 1283 27.5% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_c.info
- 1822 1377 24.4% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_CD0disk.info
- 1840 1409 23.4% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_CDDAdisk.info
- 2025 1122 44.5% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_compress.info
- 1797 1299 27.7% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_cpp.info
- 1376 735 46.5% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_CTLG.info
- 1643 1232 25.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_device.info
- 1921 1008 47.5% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_disk.info
- 1849 1177 36.3% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_dms.info
- 1364 811 40.5% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_doc.info
- 1636 855 47.7% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_drawer.info
- 1594 1041 34.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_e.info
- 1858 1253 32.5% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_email.info
- 704 361 48.7% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_empty.info
- 1474 1024 30.5% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_fax.info
- 1463 939 35.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_fd.info
- 1429 1023 28.4% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_filearchive.info
- 1595 1110 30.4% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_filesystem.info
- 1773 1210 31.7% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_flic.info
- 1440 889 38.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_font.info
- 1810 1158 36.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_FTPdisk.info
- 1354 895 33.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_FTXT.info
- 2208 1451 34.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_gif.info
- 2022 1207 40.3% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_gzip.info
- 1439 959 33.3% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_h.info
- 1480 1035 30.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_handler.info
- 1398 925 33.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_html.info
- 1424 953 33.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_i.info
- 2220 1456 34.4% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_iff.info
- 2234 1462 34.5% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_ilbm.info
- 1385 1031 25.5% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_imploder.info
- 1841 1241 32.5% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_inemail.info
- 1423 937 34.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_installer.info
- 2235 1484 33.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_jpeg.info
- 1552 1092 29.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_key.info
- 1778 1042 41.3% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_keymap.info
- 2097 985 53.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_kick.info
- 1862 1292 30.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_kickstart.info
- 1723 1095 36.4% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_KingCon.info
- 2036 1253 38.4% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_lha.info
- 2036 1315 35.4% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_lharc.info
- 2039 1318 35.3% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_lib.info
- 1711 1092 36.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_library.info
- 1518 967 36.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_loadmodule.info
- 2002 1201 40.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_lzh.info
- 2021 1201 40.5% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_lzx.info
- 1763 1145 35.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_m.info
- 1730 1043 39.7% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_Mac0disk.info
- 1439 1024 28.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_make.info
- 1924 1391 27.7% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_med.info
- 1924 1394 27.5% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_mod.info
- 1491 1145 23.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_mountlist.info
- 1670 1218 27.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_mp2.info
- 1951 875 55.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_MSD0disk.info
- 1740 1224 29.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_music.info
- 1879 1049 44.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_NETdisk.info
- 1329 928 30.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_object.info
- 1833 1239 32.4% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_outemail.info
- 1184 769 35.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_outlinefont.info
- 2217 1467 33.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_pcx.info
- 2176 1425 34.5% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_picture.info
- 2237 1479 33.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_png.info
- 1295 904 30.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_postscript.info
- 1391 1035 25.5% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_powerpacker.info
- 1640 883 46.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_pref.info
- 1694 1239 26.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_printer.info
- 928 656 29.3% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_project.info
- 2242 1460 34.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_Quicktime.info
- 1161 841 27.5% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_RAMdisk.info
- 1805 1272 29.5% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_rexx.info
- 2015 1217 39.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_rnc.info
- 1909 1385 27.4% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_s3m.info
- 1641 1187 27.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_script.info
- 1317 968 26.4% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_sfx.info
- 1697 1264 25.5% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_smus.info
- 1536 1181 23.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_sound.info
- 1078 749 30.5% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_src.info
- 1659 1228 25.9% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_sunau.info
- 1989 1177 40.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_tar.info
- 2220 1507 32.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_targa.info
- 1317 764 41.9% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_tex.info
- 2233 1469 34.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_tiff.info
- 1161 775 33.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_tool.info
- 2679 1373 48.7% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_trashcan.info
- 1516 1151 24.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_usenet.info
- 1419 981 30.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_uuencode.info
- 1680 1145 31.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_video.info
- 1677 1242 25.9% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_voc.info
- 1681 1246 25.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_wav.info
- 1883 1338 28.9% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_xm.info
- 2021 1241 38.5% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_zip.info
- 1907 1103 42.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +def_ZIP0disk.info
- 2148 1289 39.9% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +Extras.info
- 2477 1208 51.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +BuildingBlocks.info
- 500 294 41.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +BuildBlocks.readme
- 1269 772 39.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +BuildBlocks.readme.info
- 1314 433 67.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +Commod
- 1308 423 67.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +Commod.hi
- 827 387 53.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +Commod.hi.info
- 823 385 53.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +Commod.info
- 1448 808 44.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +computer
- 1771 750 57.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +computer.info
- 1448 781 46.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +Drawer
- 1448 830 42.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Drawer.hi
- 1971 779 60.4% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Drawer.hi.info
- 1915 723 62.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Drawer.info
- 1636 504 69.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +dtriangle
- 1310 436 66.7% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +dtriangle.hi
- 955 420 56.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +dtriangle.hi.info
- 839 396 52.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +dtriangle.info
- 1448 435 69.9% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Floppy
- 1448 435 69.9% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Floppy.hi
- 1871 600 67.9% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Floppy.hi.info
- 1847 583 68.4% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Floppy.info
- 1492 688 53.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Monitor.iff
- 1593 642 59.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Monitor.iff.info
- 156 151 3.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +NI4-DPaint.set
- 2212 1440 34.9% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +NI4-DPaint.set.info
- 156 151 3.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +NI4-PPaint.col
- 2192 1422 35.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +NI4-PPaint.col.info
- 1386 493 64.4% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Platform.iff
- 813 379 53.3% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Platform.iff.info
- 1700 438 74.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +questionmark
- 1700 431 74.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +questionmark.hi
- 823 390 52.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +questionmark.hi.info
- 931 413 55.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +questionmark.info
- 2702 729 73.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Template.iff
- 1529 595 61.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Template.iff.info
- 2062 1178 42.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +KillOldIcon.info
- 4044 2187 45.9% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +BGUI_KillOldIcon
- 2188 1368 37.4% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +BGUI_KillOldIcon.info
- 1872 1215 35.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +KillOldIcon
- 3410 1518 55.4% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +KillOldIcon.doc
- 1609 934 41.9% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +KillOldIcon.doc.info
- 2188 1371 37.3% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +KillOldIcon.info
- 112 102 8.9% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Palette2.0.pre
- 1950 1394 28.5% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Palette2.0.pre.info
- 434 112 74.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Palette3.0.preset
- 1965 1399 28.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Palette3.0.preset.info
- 184076 184076 0.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Preview.GIF
- 2187 1428 34.7% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Preview.GIF.info
- 2369 1522 35.7% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +Icons.info
- 1762 1093 37.9% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Devs.info
- 2223 1340 39.7% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Datatypes.info
- 1865 1106 40.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Datatype.info
- 2238 1387 38.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +DOSDrivers.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:40 +
- 1674 1011 39.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +DF0.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:40 +
- 1674 1011 39.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +DF1.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:40 +
- 1674 1011 39.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +DF2.info
- 1984 1289 35.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Dosdriver.info
- 1839 1301 29.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Keymaps.info
- 1876 1361 27.4% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Keymap.info
- 1865 1299 30.3% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Kickstarts.info
- 1823 1256 31.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Kickstart.info
- 2272 1484 34.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Monitors.info
- 1796 1172 34.7% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Monitor.info
- 1875 1339 28.5% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Printers.info
- 1651 1198 27.4% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Printer.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:40 +
- 1736 1097 36.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Expansion.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:40 +
- 1757 1088 38.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Locale.info
- 1845 1254 32.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Misc.info
- 1760 1119 36.4% 12-Mar-99 02:58:00 +Disks.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:40 +
- 2115 1214 42.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +3000T.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:40 +
- 1995 1072 46.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +4000T.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:40 +
- 1647 937 43.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +A1200.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:40 +
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:40 +
- 2790 1521 45.4% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +A2000-A.info
- 1807 945 47.7% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +A2000.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:40 +
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:40 +
- 2611 1474 43.5% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +A3000-A.info
- 1663 886 46.7% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +A3000.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:40 +
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:40 +
- 2797 1531 45.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +A4000-A.info
- 1808 963 46.7% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +A4000.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:40 +
- 1910 837 56.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +CD³².info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:40 +
- 2145 1466 31.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +def_CD0disk.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:40 +
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:40 +
- 1944 896 53.9% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +def_disk-A.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:40 +
- 1972 1231 37.5% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +def_disk-B.info
- 2285 1131 50.5% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +def_disk.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:40 +
- 1948 1035 46.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +def_DOS0disk.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:40 +
- 1960 1149 41.3% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +def_kick.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:40 +
- 1963 1134 42.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +def_MSD0disk.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:40 +
- 2260 1040 53.9% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +def_MSDOSdisk.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:40 +
- 1525 984 35.4% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +def_RAMdisk.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:40 +
- 1565 1029 34.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +def_RAMdisk2.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:40 +
- 1985 758 61.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +def_zip0disk.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:40 +
- 1838 1084 41.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +HD.info
- 1760 1116 36.5% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Drawers.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:40 +
- 2136 1156 45.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Archives.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:40 +
- 2062 1174 43.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Blue.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:40 +
- 2477 1208 51.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Construction.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:40 +
- 2024 1020 49.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Cream.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:40 +
- 2058 1001 51.3% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +DBlue.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:40 +
- 2118 1256 40.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Envarcsys.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:42 +
- 2058 1014 50.7% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Forest.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:42 +
- 2059 1148 44.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Green.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:42 +
- 2062 1171 43.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Happy.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:42 +
- 2058 1154 43.9% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Lime.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:42 +
- 2062 1182 42.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +LOrange.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:42 +
- 2095 1294 38.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Magic.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:42 +
- 2062 1175 43.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Orange.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:42 +
- 2072 1038 49.9% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Peach.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:42 +
- 2115 1296 38.7% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Prefs-A.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:42 +
- 2058 1151 44.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Purple.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:42 +
- 2062 1174 43.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Red.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:42 +
- 2058 1149 44.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Royal.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:42 +
- 2058 999 51.4% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Rust.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:42 +
- 2058 1151 44.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Tan.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:42 +
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:42 +
- 2201 1276 42.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Utilities-A.info
- 2121 1295 38.9% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Utilities.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:42 +
- 2058 1154 43.9% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Wine.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:42 +
- 2062 1173 43.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Yellow.info
- 479 273 43.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +MiscIcons.readme
- 1269 760 40.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +MiscIcons.readme.info
- 1760 1120 36.3% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +MoreExtras.info
- 1750 1032 41.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Blanker.info
- 1954 1294 33.7% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Colors.info
- 1305 898 31.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +def_device.info
- 1933 1387 28.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +def_iffA.info
- 1661 1206 27.3% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Palette1.info
- 1955 1325 32.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Palette2.info
- 1801 1189 33.9% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Screenmode.info
- 1509 1100 27.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Serial.info
- 1658 1155 30.3% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Shell.info
- 2263 1343 40.6% 12-Mar-99 02:57:44 +Prefs.info
- 1641 1083 34.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +ClassAct.info
- 2225 1373 38.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Datatypes.info
- 1865 1145 38.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Datatype.info
- 1523 1064 30.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Font.info
- 2131 1349 36.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Icontrol.info
- 1579 1083 31.4% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Input.info
- 1551 902 41.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Locale.info
- 1639 1189 27.4% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +MUI.info
- 1824 1204 33.9% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Overscan.info
- 2156 1232 42.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Palette.info
- 1263 845 33.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Pointer.info
- 1640 985 39.9% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Printer.info
- 2084 1351 35.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +PrinterGfx.info
- 1636 1057 35.3% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +PrinterPS.info
- 1853 1311 29.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Screenmode.info
- 1553 1179 24.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Serial.info
- 1499 1067 28.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Sound.info
- 1374 994 27.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Time.info
- 1797 1273 29.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +WBPattern.info
- 1750 990 43.4% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Storage.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:42 +
- 2223 1331 40.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Datatypes.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:42 +
- 2238 1387 38.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +DOSDrivers.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:42 +
- 1839 1305 29.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Keymaps.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:42 +
- 1865 1296 30.5% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Kickstarts.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:42 +
- 2272 1481 34.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Monitors.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:42 +
- 1875 1339 28.5% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Printers.info
- 1742 1071 38.5% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +System.info
- 1287 801 37.7% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +FixFonts.info
- 1481 937 36.7% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Format.info
- 1341 963 28.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Intellifont.info
- 1822 1111 39.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +MUI.info
- 1822 1114 38.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Icons.info
- 1396 1069 23.4% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +def_MUI.info
- 1639 1199 26.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +MUI.info
- 1516 1119 26.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +NoFastMem.info
- 1693 1103 34.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +RexxMast.info
- 1340 878 34.4% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Shell.info
- 1728 1133 34.4% 12-Mar-99 02:57:30 +Tools.info
- 1338 875 34.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Calculator.info
- 1318 991 24.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +CMD.info
- 1686 1235 26.7% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Colors.info
- 2202 1424 35.3% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Commodities.info
- 2227 1447 35.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +AutoPoint.info
- 2202 1425 35.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Blanker.info
- 2051 1289 37.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Exchange.info
- 1962 1276 34.9% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +FKey.info
- 1638 1029 37.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +MouseBlanker.info
- 1689 962 43.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +NoCapsLock.info
- 1799 1215 32.4% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +GraphicDump.info
- 1433 1064 25.7% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +HDToolbox.info
- 1063 683 35.7% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +IconEdit.info
- 1491 1005 32.5% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +InitPrinter.info
- 1421 900 36.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Keyshow.info
- 1249 803 35.7% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Lacer.info
- 1177 779 33.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +PrepCard.info
- 1751 1025 41.4% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +PrintFiles.info
- 1120 717 35.9% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Say.info
- 1640 1212 26.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +ShowConfig.info
- 1398 681 51.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Trash
- 1387 799 42.3% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Trash.info
- 1813 1111 38.7% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Utilities.info
- 1391 927 33.3% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +AmigaGuide.info
- 1276 599 53.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Clock.info
- 1818 1169 35.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +More.info
- 1826 1254 31.3% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +Multiview.info
- 0 0 0.0% 20-Jun-99 02:12:44 +
- 1820 1141 37.3% 11-Mar-99 22:06:38 +WBStartup.info
- 2207 1306 40.8% 12-Mar-99 02:57:12 +Install.info
- 1227 672 45.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +d1.info
- 1393 890 36.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +d2.info
- 1899 987 48.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +d3.info
- 1362 741 45.5% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +d4.info
- 1218 682 44.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +d5.info
- 1363 758 44.3% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +d6.info
- 2352 1326 43.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +d7.info
- 1670 1006 39.7% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +d8.info
- 1496 720 51.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +d1
- 2092 1058 49.4% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +d1.info
- 1496 729 51.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +d2
- 2096 1220 41.7% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +d2.info
- 1496 700 53.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +d3
- 2092 1044 50.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +d3.info
- 1496 736 50.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +d4
- 2096 1213 42.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +d4.info
- 1494 714 52.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +d5
- 2096 1224 41.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +d5.info
- 1498 721 51.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +d6
- 2096 1219 41.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +d6.info
- 1899 378 80.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +Install_Icons
- 20737 5470 73.6% 20-Jun-99 02:48:48 +Install_NewIcons
- 1731 1139 34.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +Install_NewIcons.info
- 580 445 23.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +isnirunning
- 2334 605 74.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +Remove_NewIcons
- 1610 1154 28.3% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +Remove_NewIcons.info
- 4752 3132 34.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +newicon.library
- 6764 4050 40.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +newicon.library
- 5800 3488 39.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +newicon.library
- 77775 29188 62.4% 20-Jun-99 02:43:08 +NewIcons.guide
- 1672 1074 35.7% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +NewIcons.guide.info
- 2651 1507 43.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +Prefs.info
- 1564 953 39.0% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +ConvertPrefs
- 19996 5064 74.6% 20-Jun-99 01:54:02 +NewIconsPrefs
- 1854 1322 28.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +NewIconsPrefs.info
- 941 487 48.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:36 +Readme!
- 1609 935 41.8% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +Readme!.info
- 2201 1273 42.1% 12-Mar-99 02:59:14 +Utilities.info
- 1440 997 30.7% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +CopyNewIcon
- 1666 1188 28.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +CopyNewIcon.info
- 1360 964 29.1% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +CreateDefaultIcon
- 1592 1167 26.6% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +CreateDefaultIcon.info
- 1180 858 27.2% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +KillNewIcon
- 1553 1174 24.4% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +KillNewIcon.info
- 8672 5506 36.5% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +ShowNI
- 4532 3100 31.5% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +UpdateDrawers
- 1532 990 35.3% 11-Mar-99 22:06:40 +UpdateDrawers.info
- -------- ------- ----- --------- --------
- 1047097 648015 38.1% 22-Jun-99 18:41:04 437 files